Thursday, November 12, 2009

Show Us Who You Are

Hi Delegates,
To get started on this adventure, we thought it would be fun for each to post 3 pictures that show something about ourselves. To do this, you will create a new post with your name as the Title and then click on the third icon from the right to "add image". You can add all three images at one time. Be sure to give a short description of the picture. You can share pictures of your family, where you live or go to school, what you like to do or where you've traveled. It can be pictures of your pets or just about anything that helps us to learn more about you. Oh yes, the picture needs to be one you take - an original not one from the internet. The objectives of the exercise are to share something about you and to get familiar with our blog site. Can't wait to see what you post!
Ms. Ginny and Ms. Molly

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Welcome Sarah!

So happy to know that you are going to join us on this amazing adventure, Sarah. Ian, Neil, Ms. Ginny, and I are glad to have you!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Emukela Delegates!

This blog is for parents and friends of People to People alumni who are headed to South Africa in summer 2010. We are so excited about our upcoming adventure with all of you!