Saturday, March 27, 2010

Lana Duke

My brother Dillon and I in Mexico (the guy in the middle is a cliff diver)
Me and one of my horses

Hello I am Lana Duke! :) I can't wait to go on the South Africa trip with everyone! I can't wait to meet ya...well I love to play sports...I play soccer and do track for my school. Last summer (2009) I went to China with People to People and the summer of 2008 I traveled to England and France with People to People. Like I said I am sooo excited for our trip!!! Oh and I am from Oklahoma.


  1. Thanks for sharing Lana! We are excited about having you and Dillon in our delegation. How long have your ridden horses? I have read more camels than horses, haha!

  2. I know I cannot wait!! I have ridden them since I was 6. haha:)

  3. Hi Lana,
    Great pictures! Looks like you've already done a lot of traveling. We are all looking forward to this amazing journey. Last night I had a chance to talk again with Mr. Emmanual Lindinkosi Mpanza, our friend from South Africa. We can't wait to experience all that he has shared about his country.

    It will be great to travel with you.
    Ms. Molly
