Monday, April 26, 2010

Trivia Question #2

TRIVIA  Question #2  If you would like to present gifts to the various people you will encounter, a small token from your hometown or state is appropriate. Nice gift-wrapping shows that you have put extra effort into presenting it. But don't wrap anything in your carry-on luggage, just bring some wrapping paper to use after we get there.  Gifts will be opened when received. So if you receive a gift, you should open it right away; waiting to open it will be considered rude.
Question #2
What hand gestures might be considered rude or inappropiate that are not considered rude in the USA?
Bonus:  How do you use a knife and fork when eating in South Africa?

Send you answers to me directly at  and be one of the first 5 to win a Fabulous prize. 
Hint: answers might be found OnBoard site....
Good Luck,
 Ms. G.

Potjie, stews of maize with tomato and onion sauce, an inherent part of the Afrikaner kitchen are eaten with or without rice. Boerewors, a traditional South African sausage made of spicy beef, pork or lamb, grilled over charcoal at braais (open air barbecues) is in fact a legacy of the German settlers.


  1. So far, Lana is 2 for 2 on the answers for the trivia questions. There is still time to answer and win the Fabulous prize... Lana, yours is in the mail! :)

  2. Love these trivia questions, Ms. Ginny. I remember Mr. Mpanza talking about all these subjects.

    It sticks in my mind that Mr. Mpanza was not as happy about the food here in the US because it wasn't spicy enough.

    Thanks to Lana for jumping in on the previous trivia questions. Let's go, the rest of you!

