Friday, June 11, 2010

US Players stuck in trafic because of Elephant!

Read all about the World Cup that just started today.  What team are your rooting for?  Who will win?  Are you going to watch the USA vs England game this Saturday at 2 EST.


  1. Click on the title of this post to read all about it!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I am soooo excited about the World Cup!!!! I am rooting for USA..duh!!! To be honest I don't think we will when..but I rlly hope so!! I can't wait till the game on Saturday :) soooo exciting!!!

  4. Love the elephant story!

    Lana, glad you are so fired up about the World Cup! We watched the South Africa/Mexico game and are anticipating a great game between US and England.

    I'm sure we will run into all kinds of memorabilia when we're there. Kent and I bought "soccer" jerseys for several students when we were in England this past October.

    We'll be watching with you today!

