Friday, July 30, 2010

Day 1 - travel and arrival

Day 1
Travel from JFK to Johannesburg, then through immigration and then on to Cape Town.  Today’s Total travel hours 21.  The first 15 were long and quite bumpy – we often had our stomachs in our mouths – much like the Son of Beast ride at Kings Island.
We’ve met the beast and we conquered it.
Students slept and watched movies, chatted quietly.  Were model travelers.

Arrive at airport in Cape Town, lost a phone in the plane, made the report but didn’t lose any students.  Met our DMs Ryan and Kenny who took us to the V&A Warf Mall where we sat looking out on Robbens Island and the new FIFA stadium.
A return to the hotel, check in and a hot lasagna dinner, followed by showers and a soft comfy bed and SLEEP!  Tomorrow we meet the Penguins.

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